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Enabler is a social enterprise committed to creating positive social impact through innovation in training and education. We believe effective, engaging and high-impact digital training is the key to retaining a skilled, competent and confident workforce.

Our vision is a world where people with disability and the elderly have the quality support and care they need to participate in society and lead fulfilling and meaningful lives.

Our mission is to skill up disability and aged care support workers to deliver meaningful, quality supports using interactive serious games technology.

Enabler is at the forefront of revolutionising workforce training and development for disability services. As a vibrant hub of practitioners, educators, and innovators, we're championing the cause for cutting-edge, impactful training.
At the heart of Enabler is our collaborative engagement with our community to ensure the voices of those that we aim to support are heard.
We directly involve service users, subject matter experts, and industry stakeholders in our content creation, ensuring our offerings are not just theoretical but make a tangible difference in the lives of both workers and individuals with disabilities.
Join us in shaping a more skilled, responsive, and inclusive service landscape.